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- "assassin"
- "killer of a political leader"
- "An assassin murdered Abraham Lincoln."
- ""
- ""
- "An ________ killed President"
- "Kennedy."
- ""
- "autobiography"
- "story of one's own life"
- "*, are you planning "
- "to write your autobiography?"
- ""
- "Nikita Kruschev wrote a famous"
- "_____________ about his years as"
- "the premier of Russia."
- "botanist"
- "one who studies plants"
- "The botanist was writing a paper on"
- "native California plants."
- ""
- "I have been studying plants in a"
- "laboratory and am becoming interested"
- "in a career as a ________."
- "cluster"
- "a bunch"
- "* stood and admired the"
- "colorful cluster of flowers in the"
- "garden."
- "The guests were standing in a"
- "_______ around the refreshment table."
- ""
- "devilment"
- "mischief"
- "The rowdy street gang was involved"
- "in much devilment."
- ""
- "My little brother is well-known in "
- "the neighborhood for his _________."
- ""
- "dismissal"
- "a sending away"
- "The dismissal of the class was"
- "scheduled for noon."
- ""
- "Mr. Rodgers was shocked to learn of"
- "his son's _________ from school."
- ""
- "drudgery"
- "hard, tedious work"
- "Clearing the underbrush from the"
- "vacant lot was drudgery."
- ""
- "I always complain about having to"
- "scrub the floors because it is"
- "________."
- "examination"
- "an investigation"
- "After an examination of the"
- "evidence, the case was dropped."
- ""
- "The doctor made a complete ___________"
- "of his patient."
- ""
- "fillet"
- "a lean piece of meat or fish"
- "* is having fillet of beef for"
- "dinner tonight."
- ""
- "My favorite meal is a fish ______"
- "and a salad."
- ""
- "handicap"
- "an added hindrance"
- "In spite of his handicap, the blind"
- "student finished college."
- ""
- "Deafness is a serious ________"
- "which many have been able to"
- "overcome."
- "hubbub"
- "a loud, confused noise"
- "The hubbub in the classroom upset"
- "the teacher."
- ""
- "I could not sleep last night because"
- "of the ______ in the park across the"
- "street."
- "humbleness"
- "modesty"
- "Because of his humbleness, he was"
- "quite surprised to have won the"
- "award."
- "Jim is a successful young man, but"
- "because of his __________, few people"
- "are aware of his achievements."
- "javelin"
- "a hand spear"
- "One of the Olympic field events is"
- "the javelin throw."
- ""
- "Many African tribesmen use the"
- "_______ as a weapon."
- ""
- "lawsuit"
- "a court case"
- "The lawsuit was dismissed for lack"
- "of evidence."
- ""
- "The doctor was accused of malpractice"
- "and faced a serious _______."
- ""
- "lock"
- "an enclosed part of a canal"
- "Water rushed in to fill the lock,"
- "and the ship was raised to a higher"
- "level."
- "The Panama Canal allows each boat"
- "through one ____ at a time."
- ""
- "magnificence"
- "splendor"
- "The church altar was breathtaking in"
- "its magnificence."
- ""
- "The ____________ of her beauty"
- "caused men and women alike to gasp"
- "in admiration."
- "manor"
- "a large estate"
- "The old French manor was a charming"
- "and beautiful country estate."
- ""
- "The _____ was the largest house I"
- "had ever seen."
- ""
- "mutiny"
- "rebellion"
- "The sailors were so unhappy with"
- "conditions aboard ship that the"
- "captain feared mutiny."
- "Pirates are famous for committing"
- "acts of ______."
- ""
- "omelet"
- "beaten eggs, cooked and folded over"
- "* made a cheese omelet"
- "for breakfast."
- ""
- "I enjoy eating an ______ for dinner"
- "as well as for breakfast."
- ""
- "parade"
- "a procession"
- "The Rose Parade is always on New"
- "Year's day."
- ""
- "There is an old saying that"
- "everybody loves a ______."
- ""
- "percentage"
- "a given part of a hundred"
- "A small percentage of the class was"
- "absent."
- ""
- "A large __________ of the population"
- "voted in the last election."
- ""
- "rations"
- "food issued"
- "The soldier's food rations during"
- "basic training were not very tasty."
- ""
- "During times of war almost everyone"
- "has to be put on _______ because of"
- "the short food supply."
- "suspense"
- "uncertainty"
- "The suspense of waiting for the"
- "jury's verdict is nerve wracking."
- ""
- "Authors of murder mysteries use"
- "________ to keep their readers"
- "interested."
- "tempo"
- "a rate of speed"
- "That song is usually played at a"
- "fast tempo."
- ""
- "Good dancing music should be at a"
- "fast _____."
- ""
- "volume"
- "a quantity or amount"
- "It takes a great volume of water"
- "to fill the swimming pool."
- ""
- "There was a huge ______ of snow on"
- "the ski slopes this winter."
- ""
- t volume of water"
- "to fill the swimming pool."
- ""
- "There was a